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August 16, 2023


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Reaching Your Goals: Breaking Through Obstacles by focusing on your FUTURE self

How to immediately transform your day from overwhelm to peace

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I help ambitious moms and female entrepreneurs break free from limiting beliefs so they can show up fully for their life.

I'm Kathryn

Are you ready to stop anxiously spinning your wheels and start seeing real results?

Feeling frustrated that you aren’t reaching your goals?

Ask yourself:

“What am I hoping this goal will allow me to believe about myself?”

Then believe it first.

For example if one of your goals is to connect more with your children, you could decide to believe,

“I am a present, connected mom who shows up for her children daily. I am exactly the mom they need.”

If it’s a health related goal, you could believe, “I love listening to my body and honoring it’s needs every day (food, exercise, sleep etc).”

If it’s marriage, “I am a loving, attuned, supportive wife, and I love how I show up for him.”

If you are a perfectionist or high-achiever, you likely set goals then drive yourself to reach those goals “perfectly”. But when you don’t reach those goals, you either distract yourself (with food, work, alcohol, social media, netflix, shopping) from feelings of disappointment or failure because you’ve made it mean that you are a failure, not enough, never follow through (shame).

Or you blame others or circumstances for why it failed (blame). It’s probably a familiar story you’ve told yourself for awhile.

And the thing is old thoughts don’t produce different results. They produce past results.

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.”

-Andrew Carnegie

If you don’t begin with a new belief, your brain will naturally default to what it knows, which is the past because it’s comfortable with the thoughts from the past. If you don’t want the results you got in the past, you have to practice new thoughts.

Thoughts create emotions.

Emotions fuel actions.

Actions generate results.

Remember: Goals are not an end in and of themselves. Yes we were made for growth and transformation, but if you make your goal just about the goal, you’re missing the point.

It is more about the process than the result.

Who are you becoming as as person as you work toward this goal?

Line your goals up with who you want to become (your future self) then start making daily choices that your future self would make.

And BTW…You are already loved, accepted, adored just as you are…. reaching the goal doesn’t change that. And there is always room for growth this side of heaven.

So here are 4 steps to help you gain traction towards your goal:

  1. Start where you are. Completely accept your current reality (even if you really want to change it). Be 100% honest with where you are and take ownership of it.
  2. Get to know your WHY. Why is it important for you to work towards this goal? When you begin to change, your brain will want to go back to default mode. Knowing your why will help your brain stay focused on where you are going, and will enable you to endure challenges along the way.
  3. Create a belief plan. Decide to be the woman who has already reached the goal. How does she think? What emotions does she feel consistently? What are her daily habits? Then practice these new thoughts, feelings and actions until they becomes your reality (and they will!)
  4. Align yourself to where God is already working. There’s nothing more powerful than aligning ourselves with what God is already doing within us and around us in the world. Ask Him where He is already working in you. Who is is calling you to be? What do you need to let go of? What is His truth for you? Then listen.

If your old thoughts are keeping you stuck, but deep down you know you want more and God is calling you to more, that’s where coaching comes in. I come alongside you to help you transform your mind, process your emotions that come up, and take massive action to get you where you want to go.

Set up a Discovery Call today to see if we’d be a good fit for working together!


“Every day I’m becoming more like the woman God created me to be”

“It’s ok to be a beginner at this”

“Perfect doesn’t exist, and every day I’m making progress.”

“I’m willing to fail and keep showing up again and again.”

“God is with me and for me.”

“The goal is more about who I am becoming, not the end result.”

“I’m loved no matter what.”

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Reaching Your Goals: Breaking Through Obstacles by focusing on your FUTURE self

How to immediately transform your day from overwhelm to peace

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I help ambitious moms and female entrepreneurs break free from limiting beliefs so they can show up fully for their life.

I'm Kathryn

More about me

I live in Greenville, SC with my husband Ben and our 3 kids, and I love hiking, gardening, running, reading and coffee!

My personal journey, professional training at Denver Seminary (M.A. in Community Counseling), certification from Life Mentoring School (Christian Life Coaching), and a decade of counseling experience equip me to walk alongside you on this transformative journey.

Licensed Professional counselor, coach and jesus follower

I'm Kathryn —

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