Is it time to Wake Up to your Joy?

July 21, 2024


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I help ambitious moms and female entrepreneurs break free from limiting beliefs so they can show up fully for their life.

I'm Kathryn

“Figure out what fuels your joy then do lots of that.” -Bob Goff

What is fueling your JOY lately?

You were made to live fully alive and awake, and if joy seems like a pipe dream, perhaps it’s because you’ve been sleepwalking through life. Sleep walking through life looks like:

  • getting all tangled up in the past
  • feeling stuck in negative emotion and unhelpful stories
  • practicing life-draining habits
  • seeking false desires
  • lost in the day to day grind
  • repeating unhelpful patterns
  • buffering emotions with food, alcohol, busyness, screens, workaholism etc
  • living with no vision or purpose

The enemy wants nothing more than to keep you stuck and distracted like this. Yet his job is pretty easy in these days of endless distraction and quick but short lasting dopamine hits.

If something feels off living this way it’s because it is. The Holy Spirit is whispering that this isn’t the life you’re intended to live. There’s a better way.

Maybe it’s time to WAKE UP and find your joy again.

When you find your joy you come ALIVE.

When you come alive, you glorify God as more of the woman He designed you to be.

God is gently inviting you to more. To hold fast during the hard times, keeping your eyes on the long game, so that you live on purpose and with JOY now.

So tell me, when did you last experience joy? what were you focusing on? what were you doing? who were you being in that moment? how did you experience joy in your body?

Let’s focus on this and see how it grows. Let’s find your joy again.

If you want help on your journey, message me. It brings me immense JOY to come alongside women like you to help you re-connect with joy again so that you can live awake and fully alive.

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Reaching Your Goals: Breaking Through Obstacles by focusing on your FUTURE self

How to immediately transform your day from overwhelm to peace

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I help ambitious moms and female entrepreneurs break free from limiting beliefs so they can show up fully for their life.

I'm Kathryn

More about me

I live in Greenville, SC with my husband Ben and our 3 kids, and I love hiking, gardening, running, reading and coffee!

My personal journey, professional training at Denver Seminary (M.A. in Community Counseling), certification from Life Mentoring School (Christian Life Coaching), and a decade of counseling experience equip me to walk alongside you on this transformative journey.

Licensed Professional counselor, coach and jesus follower

I'm Kathryn —

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