“The trajection of your life bends in the direction of your habits. Do small things well each day.”
-James Clear
Let’s talk about the Compound Effect.
You’ve probably heard about this concept in the area of finances and investing. The concept is that if you invest a small amount of money every day/week/ month over a certain amount of time, you will see significant growth over time.
The compound effect applies to other areas of your life as well.
Every day you are creating something from your habits. From the habits of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Whether it’s in an unhelpful direction or a positive direction, you are creating something.
Most of us are waiting on the BIG WIN or BIG BREAK, but that’s not how it works most of the time. It’s about the way you train yourself to show up in small ways every single day.
All of the small habits are adding up. Your days are piling on top of one another and either creating a beautiful life… or not.
As Annie Dillard writes, “How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives.”
So what do you want to create?
- Peace
- Joy
- Abundance
- Contribution
- Rest
- Connection with your kids
- Meaning
- Deeper relationships
- More intimacy in your marriage
- Beauty
- Generosity
- A less cluttered mind
- A less cluttered house
- A better health and wellness routine
- Time
- Money
YOU CAN CREATE THIS! (and you’re the only one who can, not others and not your circumstances).
So ask yourself, what action can I do well today that would move me in that direction?
Then do it over and over and over again. Just SHOWING UP is most of the battle.
Will it be easy? No, not always. We have a part of our brain that wants to stay comfortable, to stay in what it knows because change requires energy and effort.
AND you also have a beautiful part of your brain that wants more and is able to be re-wired so you can experience the change you want.
So, do small things well each day, and watch how it grows.
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